Loveonaut coming in for a landing


I drew this after a class on self-love, which I always thought was kinda hokey, but turns out is actually legit healthy. Loveonaut Amanda hopes all of your love tanks are full, even when you feel lost in space!

Insider secret

Pro tip: You want the best coffee in this hood? Skip the coffee shops, the bakeries, the's hiding at the cookie store! Total undercover yumminess.


Life's important questions

When I started this I was really unsure if a pear could actually wear a tutu without looking stupid, but I nonetheless threw caution to the wind and forged bravely ahead. And, lo and behold, I am pleased to invite you all to my cutie fruity ballet!


New School Year


Here's hoping this can be the start of a great year, even for those of us who don't have little nuggets trotting off to school! 

Snail life is the life for me

Snails have this whole thing figured out, you guys. Who would not want to bop around attached to a portable (and adorable!) antisocial nap hut?


Carb Loading


The bakery didn't have the strawberry cream cheese I ordered for my bagel so they took pity on my grave carb misfortune and gave me the bagel AND a donut AND a muffin for free!!

In shape...potato shape!

So proud of those of you triumphantly posting about your runs, hikes, workouts, etc, but if anyone else wants to join me over here in the couch potato club, membership is free and you're always welcome!



Happy labor day, friends! I know that some of us deeply need less labor and some of us are desperate for more, but I hope that today is restful in some way for everyone. 💕


So cute

 Guys, there is a really, REALLY cute giant stuffed candy corn at the corner drugstore and so far I have resisted, but I can't make any promises.

Won't you be my neighbor

 🎵It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...🎵

so cozy

 An ode to weighted blankets and cuddly kitties

Room with a view

 The view from my little hospital room was pretty spectacular yesterday 🌈🌈🌈


 Bakery Near My House has a pretty adorable new cream puff!

Still Standing

 My neighborhood has worked so hard to stay afloat these past few months, and I am so proud of both its resiliency and adorableness.

Mask Up


My friend's mom sewed me a beautiful mask, and it even has a wire nosepiece, adjustable straps, and a filter pocket! So fancy!

With peanut butter!

My friends made me chocolate chip pancakes!! (Which I didn't actually eat with my hands, but cartoon Amanda does what she wants.) 

Still friends!


There are many friends I haven't gotten to see in forever because of COVID, but fortunately they still give me their love over the internet. 🥰

Sidewalk chalk!


Discovered that my mom still had the sidewalk chalk from when I was a little Amanda, so behold, yesterday's driveway masterpiece.



I love a good bonfire (yum, burnt marshmallows!), so when I came to visit, my brother built me one!

My hero


My light-up rainbow bubble tea keychain broke, but my dad saved the day and fixed it for me! ❤️

Bush Crush

There is a bush of one of my favorite flowers in the park near my house and it has sooooo many pretty colors right now!


I got this radioactive-looking pink drink called the "dragon drink," and it was awesome but I had to supply the dragon myself.

Just passing through

Almost never on 5th when I'm not visiting dentist-in-the-fancy-building, but occasionally I do bop on through en route to other (less comically glamorous) buildings...

Lights Out

In 12 or so years, I think this was the first time I have ever seen Radio City dark.


Today I FINALLY took the time to find and disable the mac setting that autocorrected "lol" to "LOL" and I have just resolved one of the biggest pet peeves of my existence.


This is super close to the spot where my my last photo was in midtown, but looking uptown instead of downtown!


It's transplant-iversary, again! Two years, and I can still see!!

So much potential

Recently discovered that cartoon sloths have a LOT of potential for cuteness and thus set out to make the ideal amanda version.

From a Distance

Cruisin' through midtown, looking down into a (still empty) times square.

So pleased.

My ice cubes kept evaporating from the tray, so I got an ice GLOBE tray. Now my conundrum is resolved AND my ice is a million times cuter!!


My friend said that I am a warrior rainbow princess.

Red, white, and blue

Happy birthday, 'Murica! Hope you have a great day!

So glam

42nd st is still pretty glam even without all the bustle.

Bopping along

More meandering thru my empty little city


When she wants to be (which is not often), my kitty is an extremely talented cuddler.

We make do

Not long now until we're allowed to consume our edibles indoors! I do think all the makeshift outdoor cafes are adorable though.


Admittedly, I have always had a bit of a crush on this little stretch of 6th ave; I think it's so handsome.


omg how did I not know about the current state of rockefeller plaza??


Cupcake and coffee for breakfast! Aw yeah, livin' the life.

So Sweet

My friend's sweet parents (who live on the other side of the country) wanted to say, "hi!" so they made me a card by hand and mailed it. 🥰


Commuting through midtown at rush hour—still a mind-blowing situation.

No burritos, no burgers...

No restaurants, no tables, no crowds—but the plaza is as pretty as ever!

A girl could get used to this

I've never been fond of riding these Lexington Ave lines because of how crazy bananas crowded they always are, so their present condition is awfully delightful.


My friend's 8 year-old got ahold of her phone while I happened to be texting her a photo and he sent me this sweet response. ❤️🥰💕

True love

Thanks to a little paint—real life paint, not digital—washer is a girl, and dryer is a boy! (And they are a couple. ❤️)